Our Vision

To be Africa’s Leading Sport Region through innovation and excellence

Our Mission

To serve our members and stakeholders by encouraging and promoting innovative development of inclusive sport and recreation at all levels, through partnerships and collaborations to promote athlete excellence.

Our Values

  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Excellence
  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Excellence
  • Our Mandate

  • Organise Games and other sports programmes on a regular basis
  • Encourage development and proper maintenance of  internationally accepted sports facilities
  • Encourage, coordinate and promote development of all forms of sport in the Region
  • Encourage and assist in the formation of Regional Sports Confederations
  • Support the organisation, promotion and development of sport within Member States
  • Our Strategic Goals

  • To encourage Member States to develop national sport and recreation policies and to harmonise these on cross-cutting issues.
  • To coordinate and monitor the development of human resource capacity in the Region.
  • To encourage institutional capacity building of sport organisations in the Region.
  • To promote mutually beneficial partnerships that promote development of sport and recreation in the Region.
  • To promote the policy development in Member States that is intended to increase equitable access to sport and recreation, especially by women and people with disabilities.
  • To facilitate and promote the organisation and hosting of the Region 5 Games and other major events strategic to the Region
  • To encourage stakeholders to prevent and address HIV/AIDS, undesirable practices and any form of racial, religious, political or other discrimination in sport.
  • To effectively use sport as a tool for promoting peace and development in the Region.
  • To promote the Region’s financial sustainability. To explore the full potential commercial value of the Region’s assets.
  • To enhance the Region’s visibility and positive image.
  • To promote quality and efficient service delivery at all times.